Common causes of wet toilet floor




wet toilet floor

Have you ever dealt with a wet toilet floor? It is never an ideal situation and the type of shoes you have will determine the ease at which you are able to navigate to the urinals or stalls. You may find yourself tiptoeing to avoid much contact with the wetness of the floor.


7  Common causes of the wet bathroom floor 

1) Spraying air fresheners on the floor: Air fresheners are better sprayed in the air than on the floor. When sprayed on a given floor they tend to cause dampness which could mix up with other liquid to cause a dirty and unpleasant floor.

2) Poor tap and hand control when using the sink: It is always hygienic to wash our hands after completing a number one or two. In some cases, failing to properly control the water flow from the tap and movement of our hands could lead to water splash on the floor. Usually, portions of liquid soap and water find their way on the floor and could be the little drops that can contribute to a bigger wet toilet floor issue.

3) Urine splash: This is quite common in male toilets where splashes of urine find their way to the floor. It takes a few splashes from a handful of users to lead to wet floor issue. In this case, the strong smell from the urine on the floor could negatively impact the toilet experience. Urine splash could be as a result of using your phone whilst having a pee, taking your eyes off the urinals or splashes caused by chewing gum found in the urinals. It is usually advisable to aim sideways rather than straight at the urinal. In addition, standing close enough will help prevent splashes. Adopting these techniques is quite important as there is no splash-proof urinal at this current moment.

4) Condensation of the toilet tank: This is one of the common causes of a wet floor in toilets. Condensation is usually caused when the difference in the temperature of the water you find in a tank and that of the toilet. One usually discovers the temperature found in the toilet tank is lower than that of the toilet atmosphere. Condensation is quite common during the summer season. In these moments, there is a stark difference in the temperature of the tank compared to the toilet. Condensation is also known as ‘tank sweating’ and witnesses excess water on the tank dripping onto the floor. Some common ways of addressing this issue are to use toilet tank liners, which act as insulators to the water tank from the humidity of the toilet atmosphere. If the insulators are not appealing to you, then the anti-sweat toilet tank valves will be a great option. These valves help combine warm and cold water flowing into the tank to help bridge the temperature gap inside and outside the toilet tank.

5) Leaking toilet tank: The toilet tank could have leaks after a long period of use. Evaluating these tanks for possible leak is necessary to get to the root of the wet floor issue. A good way to examine the tank leakage issue is by comparing the colour of the settled water in the tank to that found on your floor. Also, if coloured drops of water are found on any side of the toilet tank, then you’re possibly dealing with a tank leak. It is important to understand if the issue is as a result of cracks in the porcelain tank or drip around the rubber seals or bolts.

6) Spilt or broken water bottle: While this is not a common issue, there is a slight tendency that a broken water bottle from one of the toilet users could contribute to a wet floor. Someone could accidentally spill the contents of a water bottle on the toilet floor.

7) Poor mopping of the toilet floor: At times, the poor mopping of the toilet floor could create more dirt than intended. The toilet floor will need to be mopped in a thorough manner to ensure it is close to a dry state before use. Failing to carefully mop the floor could lead to more dampness.


Wet toilet floors could have a negative impact on the overall toilet experience. Ensuring that adequate measures are taken to ensure the floors are dry at most times will prevent any slip that could occur.


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