Dealing with a cracked toilet seat




cracked toilet seat

We can use public portable facilities, standard public units or private toilets when pressed. We’ve got more control on the physical and sanitary state of our private toilets than the public counterparts. A lot of things can break down in a public facility that is constantly used in a given location. Things like the hand drier, tap, toilet flush or lock are some of the objects that can break down. We would like to also add the toilet seat can suffer from crack, thereby negatively affecting the overall toilet experience.

Common reasons why the toilet seat cracks

1) More Frequent usage: Public facilities in busy locations like train stations and shopping malls are likely to experience toilet seat cracks. These units are usually exposed to an enormous flow of users which can lead to a crack. It is best for the management at these facilities to monitor the state of the toilet at a regular basis and ensure cracks are fixed on time. 

2) Over dependence on a few stalls: Some public locations with foot traffic provide limited facilities to customers. In some instances, when faulty stalls are not fixed there will be an over reliance and usage of the few good facilities. Toilet seats are likely to crack when there are a sizable number of users frequently visiting a limited number of units. The management of these locations need to consider installing more stalls to extend the lifespan of the toilet seat and enhance the overall toilet experience 

3) Exceeding the maximum allowed stress levels: Objects in life have their stress thresholds. This also applies to the toilet seat. It is designed to accommodate a certain degree of stress level. When this is exceeded there is likely to be cracks on these seats resulting in varying levels of discomfort when in use.

4) The slow close toilet effect: Toilets with seats that rise or rest at a slower pace are great at preventing the ‘clank.’ When toilet seats can’t close slowly some workarounds can be introduced. One of such ways is to add a vinyl bumper on the lid of the toilet tank to prevent the noise and reduce the impact received by the toilet seat as it comes into contact with the tank. 

These are some of the reasons why toilet seats at particularly public facilities crack. How do you then deal with cracked toilet seats in public facilities?


Dealing with cracked toilet seats:

1) Use a different stall: You can use an alternative stall if the location has multiple facilities. This can be easily done during less busy times.

2) Inform management: Some facilities have suggestion boxes or feedback forms.  Feel free to advise management to replace the cracked seat. Or, you could request a station or mall staff to speak to a manager to intimate them of the cracked toilet seat. 

3) Applying manageable body weight: If you are so pressed for a number one or two and there are no alternative stalls, squatting or applying minimal body weight whilst on a cracked toilet seat is ideal.

Toilet seats are warm during the cold months and keep the sanitary state of the toilet tolerable. We’ve highlighted some possible reasons why they crack and how to best deal with them. 

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