Portable toilet and bladder shyness




shy bladder

Have you ever heard about shy bladder syndrome? It is a real issue that a section of society suffers from and constantly finds ways to navigate the public toilet experience. This condition is commonly referred to as paruresis, and within the United States, about 25% of people are believed to be going through this to some degree.

What is shy bladder syndrome?

Paruresis, or shy bladder syndrome, is a type of social anxiety disorder where people experience severe difficulty urinating in public facilities. Their bladders function well when used in the comfort of their home. This is also commonly referred to as pee phobia, urophobia, avoidant paruresis, and bashful bladder syndrome or bashful kidney, 

People likely to suffer from a shy bladder

You might wonder about people more likely to experience or suffer from a shy bladder. Here are some patterns to primarily look out for in this scenario:

  • Parents suffered from the same disorder: If parents suffered from paruresis, their children are more likely to experience something similar. You can easily state their children are at high risk. 
  • People experiencing some form of anxiety disorder: It is more common for people experiencing other forms of anxiety disorder to suffer from a shy bladder. That means people suffering from conditions such as History of mental illness, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), and panic attacks are more likely to suffer from a shy bladder.  


Standard portable toilets and how they benefit users with a shy bladder 

Mobile toilets are designed in a variety of shapes with features. Standard portable toilets used for events and construction sites are equipped with all the required elements to make the toilet experience worthwhile. For example, portable recirculating toilets comprise the recirculating chemical flush, integral door lock, hand-operated flushing system, door lock, translucent roof and ventilation, and many other features. 

Here are some of the reasons why a standard portable toilet will be suited for someone with a shy bladder:

  • Enclosed stall and space that promotes privacy: For people experiencing toilet shyness syndrome, having some form of privacy or space to handle their business is always soothing and makes the entire experience less terrifying. 
  • Absence of shared walls to allow meditation if required: Portable toilets are mostly standalone with individual walls and roofs to provide the user with the appropriate degree of comfort. We understand meditation and breathing exercises are two great ways of addressing toilet shyness. The absence of shared walls and adequate enclosure gives the users dealing with this disorder the much-needed assurance to carry out the necessary exercise to facilitate the successful emptying of the bladder. 


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