Reasons why people will be interested in the dimension of portable toilet unit




measuring tape

Most products and structures in life come in varying and specified dimensions. For example, the floor plan of the home you are interested in purchasing or the van you are considering hiring, all come in dimensions. The effectiveness and reliability of a product is not solely dependent on the dimensions. Some of the examples of dimensions include width, depth and height. Based on primary school mathematics, we are reminded that a square consists of two dimensions (2D) and a cube contains three dimensions (3D).

Within the field of Physics, dimensions are measurements in the physical realm and are made up of length, time and mass. Portable toilet units like most products  are also made up of dimensions. For example, our site portable toilet unit has a width of 1166mm, depth of 1215mm and height of 2316mm. There are also dimensions for the door height, width and total tank capacity. These are interesting details that are important for some event organisers or management staff when in the process of hiring a unit for short or long-term use. We will explore some of the possible reasons why people become interested in the dimensions of toilet units.


Why people are interested in the dimensions of portable units when hiring:

  1. The right fit for the allocated space: Toilets are hired for a variety of use cases such as music festivals, sporting events or construction projects. Enquiring about the dimension of the available portable units will help the potential user ascertain if it will be a right fit for their garden when an extension project is being carried out. 
  2. Estimate or gauge the price: Some users feel larger portable units are likely to cost more when hiring than their smaller counterparts. It is always best to contact the toilet hire company to discuss your requirement in detail before a quote is agreed upon. 
  3. To determine the frequency of emptying the tank: It is generally expected that a facility with a small tank is expected to be emptied more regularly than those with bigger ones. During the enquiry stage, some people will be interested in the dimension units to estimate the intervals of tank emptying. 
  4. The right fit for the expected users and their needs: Portable toilets can be used differently depending on the nature of the event and location. For some events like a picnic, users are expected to visit for a number one or two. Events such as a costume funfair and game day, people may use the toilets as a changing room or wash off the remnants of every makeup or face painting used during the event. In this scenario, having a spacious unit with the right features will be useful in ensuring the needs of people are properly addressed.  
  5. To determine if a license is required: Some big event organisers will be interested in tightening all loose ends before the big day. To these potential users, requesting information about the dimensions will help them determine if licences are required from the council to place these units at an outdoor event venue. It is important to express your concerns to the company you are considering hiring the units from, in order to straighten all edges. 


Hiring toilets for an event could be a big process depending on the size of the event. We’ve just touched on the possible reasons why people will be interested in the dimensions of a portable unit.

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