Some things you should not force down a flushable portable toilet




toilet and general waste

The presence of Coronavirus and social distancing rules have increased the demand for a staycation. With the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson advocating for people to embark on staycation trips in the UK. He advocated for Brits to explore wonderful staycations in the UK. A lesser appetite for international travel and the soothing warmth of the summer is leading to residents embarking on outdoor activities like camping and glamping.

Social distancing rules have contributed to secondary schools hiring or considering hiring portable toilet units to ensure permanent facilities are not overstretched and safety is ensured. It is no news that pubs and bars are also open for business after the months of lockdown. To ensure the safety of customers and staff, some of these locations are hiring additional public toilets to cater for the demand of nature’s call. 


We are also witnessing portable toilet demands for construction projects and video shoots. Event organisers, pub owners and construction site managers recognise the provision of more portable toilet facilities will reduce the demand for existing fixed units. It will also help reduce overcrowding, help maintain social distance and increase hygiene standards. The value of hiring flushable portable toilets is immense for businesses, schools and families. With this in mind, it is important to look at some objects that should not be flushed down these mobile units. Avoiding forcing down these objects will ensure these portable units function at their optimal levels. As we currently live in critical times that have made social distancing an integral part of our everyday life. 


Avoid forcing these objects down a flushable portable toilet

  1. Sanitary Waste: You must avoid flushing your sanitary waste down the portable toilet at a pub garden, construction site or campsite. Tampons, pads and other feminine sanitary products are not designed to be forced down a flushable portable unit. Regardless of the design and build of the toilet unit, it is important to seek alternative methods of disposal. These female sanitary materials are considered to be non-biodegradable products that cannot be broken down when they are met with portable unit chemicals. It is advisable to use the sanitary bin provided in these units. 
  2. Baby wipes: These are commonly used when changing babies. They are also good companions during music festivals. You’ve just danced to your favourite artiste and reach out for the wipes to freshen up. It is great to maintain great hygiene during these festivals but a toilet bowl is not the best place to dispose of these products. Body wipes (including flushable wipes) cannot be disintegrated by toilet chemicals as they are non-degradable. Your best bet is to use the provided bins.  
  3. Paper towels: Most outdoor event spaces and camping sites provide designated bins. Paper towels can be useful for drying our hands and wiping surfaces. After their use, it is best to dispose of them in a bin than flush these products down the toilet.
  4. Cigarette Butt: Most flushable toilet units are made from lightweight sheet plastic such as polyethene. Flushing your cigarette butts could damage the plastic surfaces of these portable units. A build-up of these cigarette butts can also lead to the clogging of the mobile facility.
  5. Leftover food: Some people are comfortable eating while doing number two. The portable unit is designed to receive your food waste from your bowels and not the ones you are yet to eat. Forcing leftover food down the bowl can easily lead to a blocked toilet. 
  6. Chewing gum: Spitting your gum into the toilet bowl can cause sticky situations. It makes the cleaning of these facilities difficult.

Above are some of the objects you should not force down a flushable portable unit. 


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